

就业中心 & 职业


Grad school might look like a safe haven when the economy is tough, 但你会发现,在迈出这一步之前,有很多事情需要考虑:财务状况, 时机, 动机, 申请流程, 就业安置率, 和更多的. 阅读下面的文章,看看你需要做些什么来做好准备,以及什么时候你需要做这些来成功地从大学过渡到研究生和专业学校.


  • Is graduate school required to achieve your long term professional goal?
  • Has obtaining an advanced degree been a life-long goal?
  • 从长远来看,获得更高的学位是否会带来更多的机会,是一项伟大的投资?

文章| 如何选择研究生院


Two to Three Years Before 应用ing


  • It’s never too early to start brainstorming!
  • Meet with a Career Coach to talk about your interests and career goals.
  • 连接 with faculty in your major to discuss options and areas to consider.



  • Solidify what area of study you would like to pursue.
  • 与顾问、教授和职业顾问谈谈你对研究生院的兴趣. Seek out advice and suggestions. Remember, you’ll be reaching out to your faculty for 推荐信. The better they understand your interest in graduate school, the stronger a recommendation they’ll be able to write.
  • 研究 institutions and programs.
  • 联系 schools and visit their admissions sites for application forms, 申请的最后期限, 课程列表, 以及经济援助信息.
  • Gather information about financial aid: scholarships, 奖学金, and graduate and teaching assistantships.
  • Register and prepare for any necessary graduate admissions tests, 比如GRE考试考试, 考试, GMAT考试, 或称称MCAT. 医学院和法学院的申请人需要注册国家申请服务:医学院的AMCAS和法学院的LSDAS.


  • Take required graduate admissions tests.
  • Continue gathering admissions, program, and funding information.
  • 拜访未来的学校, 如果合适的话, 和招生人员谈谈, 当前的学生, 和老师.
  • 起草申请论文/个人陈述,并与写作工作室约定时间来审查你的论文/个人陈述. 修改,修改,再修改!



  • Take required graduate admissions tests if you haven’t already.
  • 要求了解你工作的老师和主管写推荐信. 试着在截止日期前至少一个月提出申请,并向他们提供你申请的课程的信息以及你想参加的原因.
  • Based on the school requirements, gather and submit your application, including admissions test reports, 官方成绩单, 推荐信, 以及申请论文.
  • Complete necessary financial aid applications such as the FAFSA, as well as scholarship and fellowship applications.


  • Find out if admissions interviews are part of 申请流程.
  • Once you receive admissions decisions, 如果你还没有这样做的话,可以考虑访问学校,或者与教师和在校学生交谈. Reach out to your support system for help evaluating your options.
  • Form a contingency plan in case you aren’t accepted to any programs. 这可能包括工作、实习、志愿服务或参加相关课程.
  • Once you’ve made the decision to attend a program, notify the other institutions you are still waiting to hear from of your plans.
  • 给你的推荐人发感谢信,让他们知道你的计划.



Gather information on programs of interest to you. Check out some of these websites:

  • Gradschools.com Browse programs by major, type of degree, online, location, or college.
  • 特森.com 找出适合你的学校、考试准备、奖学金搜索和其他资源
  • USnews.com 找到最好的研究生院,获得学校排名、学校数据和有用的建议




  • DAT |牙科入学考试
  • GMAT考试 | 研究生 Management Admission Test
  • GRE考试 |普通考试
  • GRE考试 |科目考试
  • 考试 | Law School Admission Test
  • 称MCAT | Medical College Admission Test
  • 燕麦 |验光入学考试
  • VSR | Veterinary School 需求


考试 | 称MCAT | NCLEX-RN ——可汗学院
我的GRE考试导师 DAT | GRE考试 | GMAT考试 | 考试 | 称MCAT | 燕麦 ——普林斯顿评论


文章| How to Write Your 个人陈述 for 研究生 School

文章| How to Write a Successful 个人陈述 for 研究生 School


个人陈述是一个机会,让你展示你的资格和原因,选择一个特定的研究生或专业学校. 你的陈述应该说服选拔委员会,你将在他们的项目中取得成功,并有潜力为专业做出贡献.

What makes a good personal statement?

The following elements should be included in your statement:

  • A few authentic facts about yourself as an individual
  • 学术成就
  • Experience as it relates to the graduate program/profession
  • Any academic, personal or life experiences that led you to choose this program
  • Why you are interested in this particular graduate/professional school
  • 未来的目标


文章| How to Get a Recommendation Letter for 研究生 School

文章| Details to Give Recommendation Letter Writers


推荐信是研究生申请中学生压力最大的部分. As with all elements of 申请流程, your first step is to be sure that you understand what you’re asking for. 在申请研究生院之前,尽早了解推荐信.

What Is a Recommendation Letter?

A letter of recommendation is a letter written on your behalf, typically from an undergrad faculty member, that recommends you as a good candidate for graduate study. 所有研究生招生委员会都要求学生在申请时附上推荐信. 大多数需要三个. 你如何获得一封推荐信,特别是一封好的推荐信?


Prep Work: Develop Relationships with Faculty

一旦你想申请研究生院,就开始考虑写推荐信,因为建立良好的人际关系是写好推荐信的基础,需要时间. 说实话, 不管他们是否对研究生学习感兴趣,最优秀的学生都会努力去了解教授并参与其中,因为这是一个很好的学习经历. 此外,毕业生找工作总是需要推荐信,即使他们不去读研究生. 寻找那些能帮助你与老师建立关系的经历,这些经历会给你带来优秀的求职信,帮助你了解你的领域.

Choose Faculty to Write on Your Behalf

Carefully choose your letter writers, 记住,招生委员会会从特定类型的专业人士那里寻求信函. 了解一下需要在推荐人身上寻找什么样的品质,如果你是一个非传统的学生,或者是一个在大学毕业几年后想要进入研究生院的人,不要担心.

来源:Kuther, Tara, Ph ..D. (2020年2月11日). How to Get a Recommendation Letter for 研究生 School. 从检索 thoughtco.com.


要想获得一封最好的推荐信,有很多该做和不该做的事情,但如何提出最初的要求往往是最重要的. Do the following three things when bringing up the topic of a letter.

当面询问: Asking for any favor by email is impersonal and this is a very big favor. Do your professor the courtesy of formally making your request.

预约安排一个约会,并解释你希望讨论你申请研究生院的计划. 这给了你的教授时间来考虑他们是否能在会议开始之前写信来帮助你.

给足够的提前通知尽可能早地提前索要信件,不要在最后一分钟才把最后期限强加给一位教员. 提前告诉你的教授截止日期,这样他们就可以做出明智的决定,看看他们是否可以坚持下去.

Once you have done all of these things, 准备好讨论为什么你认为被选中的教员是代表你写这封信的好人选. 你的教授在决定是否帮助你之前,会想知道你为什么特别看重他们的观点. 如果他们同意写这封信,给他们所需要的东西,继续这个过程.

Always take "no" for an answer and don't make a professor repeat it. If a faculty member declines to write your letter, they probably have a good reason and you shouldn't push. 同样,如果一位教授似乎犹豫不决,但还是同意了,你可以考虑问问别人. A lukewarm letter of recommendation can be worse than no letter at all.

来源:Kuther, Tara, Ph ..D. (2020年2月11日). Dos and Don'ts for Requesting a Grad School Recommendation Letter. 从检索 thoughtco.com


写一封感谢信,感谢老师/工作人员为你花费的时间和精力. Follow up and share the status of your application and when you are accepted. They will want to know and celebrate your accomplishments!


样本 申请查询表格

使用诸如应用跟踪表单之类的系统来保持对应用需求的掌握, 费用, 网站链接, 最后期限, and checking off when everything has been completed.
